Después de su divorcio y con ayuda de su hija, la entrenadora Michelle MacDonaldm comenzó a entrenar para cambiar su estilo de vida.

Después de un crisis matrimonial que derivó en una profunda depresión, una mujer canadiense de 73 años decidió dar un extraordinario giro a su vida, dándole al ejercicio la oportunidad de ayudarla a salir adelante y convirtiéndose así en una influencer fitness con casi 400 mil seguidores en Instagram.

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I’ve now been sitting at 135 lbs give or take a few, since October. I never would have thought this was possible. Many of you are asking what I did about my loose skin. Well, the truth is I’ve done nothing about it so far. If I bend over or slouch it’s all there, and if I don’t flex my muscle I have some drooping skin like most other women my age. I’m certainly not opposed to surgery, but it’s something that would honestly scare me. Plus I’m afraid at my age of the recovery and time away from the gym. Right now I’m happy just to love where I’m at, wear flattering clothes like these pants by @womensbest , and this cute top by @forever21 . ? It’s better to focus on doing the best you can with what you have, and not start fixating on things you “want to improve”. It’s a balance but an important one. Love yourself, love where you are now, and keep improving your habits. That’s the real key. ?? . I’d love to hear your thoughts especially from those of you who have tried surgical procedures to take care of lose skin, etc. Are you happy? Do you recommend it? . . #fitover70 #silverhair #fitness #surgery #agingbackwards #oldladygains #transformation #weightloss.

Una publicación compartida por Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

Joan MacDonald ha relatado en varias ocasiones a medios locales su historia y su motivación para convertirse en lo que hoy es: un matrimonio fallido que la dejó con grandes problemas de depresión además de problemas de salud físicos como artritis, hipertensión y niveles de colesterol por los cielos.

Sin embargo, la mujer no se dejó vencer, y con ayuda de su hija, la entrenadora Michelle MacDonald comenzó a entrenar para cambiar su estilo de vida. Así, con esfuerzo y dedicación, la mujer logró bajar más de 24 kilos en tan solo 3 años y tonificar su cuerpo.

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One of the hardest machines ever created! The Hack Squat! This is about as low as I can get, though I’ve seen men much bigger than me get right down on their heels. I’m pretty proud of myself for making it down this far though, with my arthritis and knee surgery. Just do your best with what god gave you and keep a positive attitude. A little bit done well is better than nothing at all. Your hard work all adds up in the end. I get a lot of people messaging me asking me how often I train and how much cardio I do and if I’m keto or vegetarian. Here you go: I train 5 x week in the gym with weights and I’ve been doing this schedule for over three years now. Time flies when your sweating your buns off ? I do cardio daily right now. That changes time to time depending on what Michelle is focusing on. Right now she’s keeping me trim for an upcoming cameo on the @thesocialctv this coming Monday. Yup, little ol’ me is back on the tellie, lord knows how I’ll do. Hope I can get my sentences out straight. Wish me luck! ?????? I do about 15-20 minutes daily and it’s a mix of intervals and steady state. I have only been doing intervals since I went off my medication for high blood pressure a couple of years ago. I am not keto or vegetarian. I guess you could say I eat a very balanced diet of quality proteins, vegetables, starches, fruits and healthy fats, with a few treats thrown into the mix. I don’t eat processed foods like chips, and I don’t drink pop or alcohol. I do drink quite a bit of water, and I like to have a @womensbest protein shake pretty much everyday. It satisfies my sweet tooth and I mix it up in my Ninja blender with frozen fruit so it’s like melted Icecream. Have a wonderful day everybody. We are just barely into the new year. Stay strong! ??? . #fitover70 #weightloss #diethacks #diet #fatloss #bodybuilding.

Una publicación compartida por Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

“Cuando comencé nunca creí que llegaría hasta aquí. Yo sólo quería recuperar mi salud y dejar los medicamentos. Espero que todos sigan eligiendo crecer y atreverse a soñar otra vez, dijo MacDonald en una entrevista con un medio local.

Joan se dedica ahora a compartir sus rutinas, fotografías y su día a día para tratar de motivar a otras personas.